Brought to AMTM for a regular check up by the humble people of a small slum in malwani, A paralyzed cat with both hind legs completely ruptured.
Brought to AMTM for a regular check up by the humble people of a small slum in malwani, A paralyzed cat with both hind legs completely ruptured.
Location: CTS 166 / 167 Ashram, Madh – Marve Rd, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400061, India
Phone: +91 9920 737 737
© 2024 Animal Matter to Me.
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Hi my name is FazeelaTorabally I am an animal lovers too I feed lots of strays but sometimes struggle to pay for vet bills .. recently I had a kitten met with an accident and was left paralysed can’t use his 2 back legs .. I took to vet name Mandeville in Northolt where he was admitted since Thursday night no X-rays or surgeries has been done so far Vet is waiting for funds from charity as this cat is stray no owner I am asking anyone of you who wants to donate please do so ASAP as this cat need urgent medical attention .. according to thr vet approximate bills is around£1500 but still they not sure if ongoing treatment as No Xrays has been done at all please we need to have this cat treatment done and send him to Rehab centre for paralysed cat but hope he can walk again he’s very young to euthanised give him a second chance please
Anyone want to donate you can send money either through Western Inion or my bank details or pay the Vet straightaway
Vet address as follows