Heavily pregnant cat found in Andheri, as the saying goes, all’s well when it ends well. She delivered a litter of 3.
Heavily pregnant cat found in Andheri, as the saying goes, all’s well when it ends well. She delivered a litter of 3.
Location: CTS 166 / 167 Ashram, Madh – Marve Rd, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400061, India
Phone: +91 9920 737 737
© 2024 Animal Matter to Me.
0 Responses
I have a pregnant cat who is a stray but we often feed her. we look after her kids she birthed previously and now to the new yet to be born litter we can’t look out for them as the building won’t allow any more. can you pls help us here. pls? we would be happy if your ngo can look after this cats and her to be born kittens.