We came into 2020 really excited about the Animal Sanctuary coming up in Kolad. We had made great progress in 2019 and were all set to build on the momentum from the last year. All that came to a grinding halt early in the year with the lockdown. We’ve had to reprioritise our efforts to ensure our centre was running while also extending help to the hundreds of animals on the streets that were suddenly stuck without their regular sources of food, access to caretakers and such. We’ve been lucky to have many generous patrons who have supported our efforts to date. Thanks to this ,our efforts in these times still continue. Learn more about our COVID-19 efforts.

The Rehab Centre

We’ve been very lucky to have had landlords who have endorsed and supported our vision over the last ten years. However, we’ve felt for a while that it’s time to own and manage our own place. We’re happy to announce that we’ve identified a plot of land not far from our current Rehab Centre in Malad, Mumbai. We’re chalking out the designs and plans for this new facility and plan to operate this in conjunction with the Animal Sanctuary in Kolad.


We are building on everything that we’ve learnt and done in the last ten years so we can continue our work for the next ten years. This includes expanding our infrastructure, training and certifying the next generation of animal caregivers, facilitating a learning centre for animal lovers, expanding our team and above all continuing to provide the best care for animals in need.

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Here’s what it will look like

We require your support to make this dream of ours a reality so that we can continue supporting the animals in need. As always, we need support from as many people as we can get, so I’d request you to share this post so it reaches your network.


0 Responses

  1. I would love to become a volunteer of your NGO so that I get to help these animals because I believe animals are better then human beings

    1. I have no problem if my comment is in public in fact I would love it if this message if everyone could read and get encouraged

  2. have a suggestion wat if an old age home for human and stray and abandoned souls have a combined centre .Where the old age people would simultaneously take care of abandoned souls and in return the abondoned souls would be able to share their love in return,

    Would like to be a part of this support.

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